讲座题目:The Good-on-Paper Effect: How the Decision Context Influences Prosociality
Recognizing the importance of the medium through which an action is performed, prior research has compared the effects of using digital devices to using paper on performance related to reading, learning, and test-taking—with mixed results. The present research broadens these lines of inquiry to the domain of virtuous behavior. In a series of 10 studies, we find that people are more likely to make virtuous decisions on paper than on a digital device because they perceive choices on paper as more real (i.e., tangible, actual, and belonging to the physical rather than the virtual world) and hence as more self-diagnostic (i.e., representative of who they are).
讲座地点:모바일 슬롯 머신 게임 B501
腾讯会议:ID:349 135 948
讲座时间:2022年3月24日 14:00——16:30
主持人:学科与人才办主任 江红艳 教授
王丽丽博士毕业于上海交通大学安泰모바일 슬롯 머신 게임,佐治亚理工,芝加哥大学联合培养博士生,杜克大学Fuqua商学院博士后,香港科技大学,美国西北大学访问学者。现任浙江大学管理学院市场营销系教授,博士生导师。
研究领域主要集中在消费者行为领域,近年来主要关注消费者自我控制行为,产品和消费者互动对消费者行为的影响,以及拟人化对消费行为影响,共享行为和服务补救等。研究成果发表在Marketing Science, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science等SSCI期刊和《管理世界》《心理学报》等国内权威和核心期刊。研究成果先后在2021年获得提名奖,2013年获得ACR The Franco Nicosia ACR Competitive Paper Award,2016年获得中国市场国际营销学术年会最佳论文二等奖,2016年营销科学年会最佳论文奖,2018 Emerald Literati Awards, 2019,2020年文化和旅游部优秀研究成果二等奖(连续两年)。