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12月29日新金融发展系列论坛第十六期,刘赫宁教授:Wealth Dynamics and Asset Prices with Heterogeneous Beliefs under Smooth Ambiguity

发布日期:2023-12-26 浏览量:
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主旨题目-1Smooth Ambiguity,Learning and Asset Prices in a Model with Heterogeneous Agents



时 间:20231229日(周五)下午16:00


线下地点:모바일 슬롯 머신 게임B419


刘赫宁,男,英国曼彻斯特大学Alliance商学院金融学讲席教授,主要研究领域包括资产定价,宏观金融,投资组合,金融计量。成果发表于Review of Financial Studies,Journal of Monetary Economics, Journal of Econometrics,Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,Management Science等金融经济学顶尖期刊,并担任America Economic ReviewJournal of Political Economy Review of Financial Studies Management Science Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis等期刊审稿人,同时担任Economic Modelling期刊副主编。


We study a class of heterogeneous-agent endowment economies with long run risks in which the persistent component in the aggregate consumption growth process is unobservable. Agents holding different beliefs regarding the persistent component engage in Bayesian learning. Agents are averse to uncertainty arising from state estimation and have generalized recursive smooth ambiguity preferences. By examining a two-agent model with an elasticity of intertemporal substitution above 1 and reasonable risk aversion, we find that: 1) under recursive preferences without ambiguity aversion, the consumption share of the agent with the correct belief dominates in the long run, 2)smooth ambiguity, in conjunction with state uncertainty, generates uncertainty sharing motive that leads to long-run survival of both agents, and 3) the time-varying welfare weights of agents and their posterior beliefs well explain the time variation of price-dividend ratios in the data. We also examine long-run survival outcomes for alternative values of preference parameters as well as the case in which agents differ in their degrees of ambiguity aversion.



                                모바일 슬롯 머신 게임金融学系


